RELEASE NOTES FOR September 2020
Major Release Notes/Prerequisites for 2020 Updates:
- Must install V3.0.2019.1227 prior to any 2020 update
- Application Server must have .NET 4.8 installed (requires server reboot)
- IIS must have URL Rewrite 2.0 installed
- Audits/PMs – Task sets now have the ability to have item comments be required if expected result does not match (9/4)
- Added User Defined Fields to Task Items (9/4)
- When auto completing a project from an audit, it now properly closes out assignments in addition to completing the project. (9/18)
- Tree Views – Fixed an issue where the wrong permissions were set on the checklists which prevented certain users from being able to delete the items. (9/4)
- Fixed issue with Menu Group not showing culture/language translation properly (9/4)
- Checkbox controls now properly resolve their alias (friendly nameing) from form security (9/18)
- Fixed error that may occur after completing an audit/PM and then returning to the project list (see conditions/flow below)
- Bug occurred where after searching for a task or sorting on the task list page, opening a task, then performing a task / audit / PM from detail page, and finally clicking on the Project tab from the project that was created, an error may be thrown
- Fixed user define fields not pulling in default values from form security when performing a task set (9/11)
Continuous Improvement
- Colors on goalboard quantity status sometimes showed the wrong color. (9/18)
- When selecting more than one goalboard to open at a time, the open button would not appear (9/18)
- Fixed issue that could cause the Goal Board Run Mode button to not generate for Fixed with Goal or Fixed with Rate goal boards (9/4)
- Fixed broken proposal / quote links due to the URL having a stray space character (9/11)
- Fixed printing permissions for Quality Task (9/11)