Release Notes for April 2018
- Security enhancements for V3 providing more robust security administration
- Equipment pages migrated to latest version of V3
- Employee picture upload capability
- Equipment photo section update
- Goal Board Issues Time Stamp now reflects client time zone (applicable where Thrive server located in a different time zone from users)
- “Sent” e-mail confirmation alert in Thrive now remains on screen until closed to ensure notice does not go unseen by users
- Calendar only shows calibrations if user has access to calibrations
- E-mail Reports improvement shows all relevant user accounts
- Notifications e-mail recipients lookup improved on notifications page
- Deleting equipment improvement allows for deleting of newest version of attachments for better results
- Project Roles link updated in main menu under Project Management
- Project Management locations “Generate separately by location” logic improvement ensures separate location is created if start dates are different from the parent project
- New image on Task Sets
- Permissions improved on Project Management detail Percent Complete and Flag options